You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.2. Sales - Sales Desk Inquiries > Sales Desk Inquiries - Supplier > Displaying the Supplier Inquiry Screen
Displaying the Supplier Inquiry Screen

To perform supplier inquiries:


Micronet displays the Supplier Selection screen.

  1. Select an existing supplier.

If you have more than one screen of suppliers, you can use a partial key search. For more information, refer to "Using Partial Key Searches".


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

Once you have selected a supplier on the Supplier Selection screen, you can press the F11 hotkey to display a supplier summary. More information about this summary is provided below.

Select the Exit button when you have finished.

  1. Optionally, select to sort the list of suppliers using the options under the SORT menu.

You can sort suppliers by number, name or class.

  1. Alternatively, escape the Supplier Selection screen and enter the ID of an existing supplier.

Micronet displays the Supplier Inquiry screen with the details of the supplier you selected.

This screen displays the following details:





Supplier Number

The supplier's ID.


Supplier Name

The supplier's full company name.


Postal Address

The supplier's postal address.


Pickup Address

The supplier's default pickup address.


Supplier Phone/Fax

The supplier's phone number and fax number.


Accounts Phone/Fax

The supplier’s Accounts department’s phone number and fax number.



The name of the supplier’s default contact.


Exchange Rate

The supplier’s exchange rate code for multi-currency transactions, e.g. USA for US dollars.



The supplier's invoice payment terms in days, e.g. 30.


Last Ordered

The date of the last order placed with the supplier.



The supplier's Australian Business Number.



The supplier’s class, if applicable. This is an optional field for sorting and reporting suppliers.

  1. Optionally, press the F11 hotkey to display a supplier summary. 

Supplier Summary

Select the Exit button when you have finished.

  1. The Supplier Inquiry screen also provides a number of menu options under the INQUIRY menu, allowing you to perform different types of inquiries on suppliers in Micronet. If required, you can further inquire on: